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Photos of Brazil

Ryan Laughlin

April 4, 2010

Alien Invasion!

These creatures look like something from outer space, but that couldn't be farther from where they dwell. These animals live in the deep, dark depths of the ocean. They are known as Bathynomus giganteus or by their common name, "Giant Isopod."These scary looking creatures can grow to about 2.5 feet long!

     Giant isopods are scavengers and survive by eating dead whales, fish and squid. They might also be predators of slow moving creatures such as sea cucumbers or sponges. However, they can survive for up to 8 weeks without food and when they do finally get to eat, they gorge themselves. They will literally eat to the point of immobility.

     Bathynomus giganteus are known to have been around for over 160 million years.

     Check out some more amazing pictures of these guys! It's pretty creepy stuff.   >> Click! <<